Making a Php Upload With Domain Has

In this tutorial, y'all'll acquire how you tin can upload files in your PHP web application. Nosotros'll not employ whatever framework merely patently PHP.

Next, we'll see how we tin can use Angular 7 to create a frontend that provides a form for uploading an image file to the backend using FormData and HttpClient. We'll be also looking at how to create a reactive form with Angular.

File upload is a mutual feature that you need to implement in many web applications then in this guide we'll see step by step how you lot can create a PHP application that exposes an /upload.php endpoint that accepts Post requests with a multipart/class-information containing the file information.

If you are set, let'due south get started!

Beginning by creating a folder for your projection's files. Open a new terminal, get to your working directory and create a folder:

                          $                            cd              ~              $              mkdir php-file-upload                      

Next, navigate inside your projection'due south folder and create an upload.php file:

                          $                            cd              php-file-upload              $              touch upload.php                      

Using your favorite code editor open the upload.php file and follow the steps to implement file uploading.

When a user sends a file to the /upload.php endpoint, the file gets uploaded to a temporary folder. As well the information almost the sent file is stored in the special $_FILES array. You tin can admission the data about your file by using the value assigned to the proper name attribute of the input field of the sent form i.e <input type='file' proper name="avatar"> (in this case it's avatar).

You lot can too access more than information similar the proper name, temporary name and error using the following PHP lawmaking:

                          <?php              $avatar_name              =              $_FILES              [              "avatar"              ][              "name"              ];              $avatar_tmp_name              =              $_FILES              [              "avatar"              ][              "tmp_name"              ];              $fault              =              $_FILES              [              "avatar"              ][              "error"              ];              ?>                      

Subsequently sending the file to your server, Information technology will be uploaded to the temporary folder. You tin can and then use the move_uploaded_file() method to move the file from the temporary location to a called location that yous use for saving the uploaded files in your server.

Let'south kickoff past adding the post-obit headers to our upload.php file:

            header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); header("Access-Control-Permit-Origin: *"); header("Access-Control-Let-Methods: PUT, Go, POST");                      

The get-go header set the content type as application/json and charset as utf-8.

The second header is used to enable CORS for all domains. This ways our server volition accept request from whatever domain. This is non recommended in production, you should only allow code hosted in your domain or a specific domain to send requests to your server.

The last header sets the immune methods which are PUT, Get and Mail.

Next, ascertain the following variables:

            $response = assortment(); $upload_dir = 'uploads/'; $server_url = '';                      
  • The $response variable volition concord the HTTP response that will be sent back to the client afterward uploading a file.
  • The $upload_dir variables contains the folder where the file volition be uploaded.
  • The $server_url contains the address of our server.

Next, add an if statement that checks if the $_FILES array contains an object with avatar fundamental which will exist available only if the user sends a form with file field named avatar or a FormData object with field named avatar:

            if($_FILES['avatar']) {     // code will be added here. }else{     $response = assortment(         "condition" => "error",         "error" => truthful,         "message" => "No file was sent!"     ); }  echo json_encode($response);                      

We return the response dorsum to the client after encoding it in JSON format using the json_encode() method.

Side by side, in the if statement and if the $_FILES['avatar'] is divers, add together the code that follows. Outset define the post-obit variables:

                          $avatar_name = $_FILES["avatar"]["name"];     $avatar_tmp_name = $_FILES["avatar"]["tmp_name"];     $mistake = $_FILES["avatar"]["error"];                      

Next, check if the $error variable contains a value greater than 0 which indicates that there is an error:

                          if($mistake > 0){         $response = array(             "condition" => "error",             "error" => true,             "message" => "Error uploading the file!"         );     }else      {         // The residual of your code will be added here.     }                      

Finally add together the following code if there is no error:

                          $random_name = rand(1000,1000000)."-".$avatar_name;         $upload_name = $upload_dir.strtolower($random_name);         $upload_name = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $upload_name);          if(move_uploaded_file($avatar_tmp_name , $upload_name)) {             $response = assortment(                 "condition" => "success",                 "mistake" => false,                 "message" => "File uploaded successfully",                 "url" => $server_url."/".$upload_name               );         }else         {             $response = array(                 "status" => "fault",                 "error" => true,                 "message" => "Mistake uploading the file!"             );         }                      

Nosotros first, create a new proper name for the file by concatenating a random number with a hyphen and the origin proper noun. Next, nosotros lowercase the random name and we concatenate with the upload binder path. Next we supplant whatever spaces with the hyphen character. Afterward preparing the total path for the file, we use the move_uploaded_file() to motion the temporary proper name to the uploads directory and relieve it with the new name. If the move_uploaded_file() returns successfully we create a response object indicating success. Otherwise we create a response object indicating a failure with the Fault uploading the file! bulletin.

This is the full content of the file upload script:

Next, y'all demand to create the uploads binder inside your projection'south root folder:

                          ~/demos/php-file-upload$              mkdir uploads                      

You lot can now serve your PHP script using the following control from the root of your projection'south folder:

                          ~/demos/php-file-upload$              php -Due south 127.0.i:8000                      

Using a REST client (similar Postman) you can send a POST request with multipart/grade-data to your /upload.php endpoint:

PHP Upload File Example

Annotation: Brand certain to name the file field as avatar because this is the proper name our server expects to contain the file (Yous are free to change it of course but too modify it in the code $_FILES['avatar'])

Create an Angular 7 Front end-Cease

Let'due south at present run across how we can create a simple Angular 7 front-end for uploading a paradigm/file to our PHP endpoint using FormData and HttpClient.

Note: Yous should accept Node.js and NPM installed on your organization because they are required past Angular CLI which yous can simply install using npm install -grand @angular/cli.

Open a new terminal and run the following command to create a project using Athwart CLI:

The CLI will prompt you if you would similar to add routing, type y. And which stylesheets format you desire to employ in your projection, Choose CSS.

Hitting Enter for the CLI to starting time generating the project's files and folders and installing the required dependencies from npm.

When done, navigate within your projection's root folder and run the following to serve your awarding:

                          $                            cd              ./frontend              $              ng serve                      

Your Angular application volition be available from the http://localhost:4200 address.

Importing HttpClient and Forms Modules

Allow'due south now import HttpClientModule and ReactiveFormsModule in our app module. Open the src/app/app.module.ts file and modify accordingly:

                          import              {              BrowserModule              }              from              '@angular/platform-browser'              ;              import              {              NgModule              }              from              '@athwart/core'              ;              import              {              ReactiveFormsModule              }              from              '@athwart/forms'              ;              import              {              HttpClientModule              }              from              '@angular/common/http'              ;              import              {              AppRoutingModule              }              from              './app-routing.module'              ;              import              {              AppComponent              }              from              './app.component'              ;              @              NgModule              ({              declarations              :              [              AppComponent              ],              imports              :              [              BrowserModule              ,              ReactiveFormsModule              ,              HttpClientModule              ,              AppRoutingModule              ],              providers              :              [],              bootstrap              :              [              AppComponent              ]              })              consign              class              AppModule              {              }                      

You lot tin can now utilize reactive forms and HttpClient in your application.

Create an Uploading Service

Next, let'due south create a service that encapsulates the necessary code for uploading files to the PHP server.

Open up a new last and run the following lawmaking from the root of your project's root folder:

                          $              ng generate service upload                      

Open the src/app/upload.service.ts file and the following imports:

                          import              {              HttpClient              ,              HttpEvent              ,              HttpErrorResponse              ,              HttpEventType              }              from              '@athwart/common/http'              ;              import              {              map              }              from              'rxjs/operators'              ;                      

Next, ascertain the SERVER_URL variable which contains the address of the PHP upload server and also inject HttpClient:

                          @              Injectable              ({              providedIn              :              'root'              })              export              form              UploadService              {              SERVER_URL              :              cord              =              ""              ;              constructor              (              private              httpClient              :              HttpClient              )              {              }              }                      

Next, add the uploadFile() method which but sends a POST request with a FormData instance to the /upload endpoint of the PHP server:

                          public              uploadFile              (              data              )              {              let              uploadURL              =              `              $              {              this              .              SERVER_URL              }              /upload.php`              ;                            render              this              .              httpClient              .              post              <              any              >              (              uploadURL              ,              data              );              }                      

Creating an Athwart Component

Let'due south at present create a component which contains the class that will exist used to upload the image file to the server.

In your terminal, run the following command to generate a component:

                          $              ng generate component profile                      

Open the src/app/app-routing.module.ts file and add together a /contour route for accessing the component:

                          import              {              NgModule              }              from              '@athwart/core'              ;              import              {              Routes              ,              RouterModule              }              from              '@angular/router'              ;              import              {              ProfileComponent              }              from              './profile/profile.component'              ;              const              routes              :              Routes              =              [              {              path              :              'profile'              ,              component              :              ProfileComponent              }              ];              @              NgModule              ({              imports              :              [              RouterModule              .              forRoot              (              routes              )],              exports              :              [              RouterModule              ]              })              consign              class              AppRoutingModule              {              }                      

Next, open up the src/app/profile/profile.component.ts file and add the post-obit imports:

                          import              {              FormBuilder              ,              FormGroup              }              from              '@angular/forms'              ;              import              {              UploadService              }              from              '../upload.service'              ;                      

Adjacent, define a course case of FormGroup and uploadResponse object that volition concur the response. Likewise inject FormBuilder and UploadService via the component constructor:

                          export              class              ProfileComponent              implements              OnInit              {              form              :              FormGroup              ;              uploadResponse              ;              constructor              (              private              formBuilder              :              FormBuilder              ,              individual              uploadService              :              UploadService              )              {              }                      

On the ngOnInit() method of the component, create a reactive class using:

                          ngOnInit              ()              {              this              .              form              =              this              .              formBuilder              .              group              ({              avatar              :              [              ''              ]              });              }                      

Nosotros use FormBuilder to create a height-level form group that contains one field called avatar.

Next, add the onFileSelect() method that will exist called when a file is selected from interface triggered past the file input file:

                          onFileSelect              (              effect              )              {              if              (              event              .              target              .              files              .              length              >              0              )              {              const              file              =              event              .              target              .              files              [              0              ];              this              .              form              .              get              (              'avatar'              ).              setValue              (              file              );              }              }                      

If the user has selected at leas 1 file, we grab that file and we set information technology as a value of to the avatar field of our reactive form using the setValue() method.

Finally, we add the onSubmit() method that will be chosen when the user submits the course:

                          onSubmit              ()              {              const              formData              =              new              FormData              ();              formData              .              append              (              'avatar'              ,              this              .              class              .              go              (              'avatar'              ).              value              );              this              .              uploadService              .              uploadFile              (              formData              ).              subscribe              (              (              res              )              =>              {              this              .              uploadResponse              =              res              ;              console              .              log              (              res              );              },              (              err              )              =>              {              console              .              log              (              err              );              }              );              }                      

We create an instance of FormData then we use the append() method of the example to add a key/value pair. the key is the name of the field. In our case information technology needs to be avatar since this is where the PHP script expects to find the uploaded file. Finally we only phone call the uploadFile() method with the course data that volition exist posted to the server equally an argument and we subscribe to the returned Observable to actually send the Mail service request.

We assign the result to the uploadResponse variable.

Notation: FormData is a data structure that represent to an HTML form with the multipart/class-information type.

Finally, open the src/app/profile/profile.component.html file and add the following lawmaking:

                          <h1>PHP with Angular seven File Upload Example</h1>              <div>              <div              *              ngIf=              "uploadResponse && uploadResponse.status === 'error'"              >              </div>              <div              *              ngIf=              "uploadResponse && uploadResponse.status === 'success'"              >              <img              [              src              ]='              uploadResponse              .              url              '              />              </div>              <grade              [              formGroup              ]="              form              "              (              ngSubmit              )="              onSubmit              ()"              >              <input              type=              "file"              name=              "avatar"              (              alter              )="              onFileSelect              ($              event              )"              />              <button              type=              "submit"              >Upload</button>              </form>              </div>                      

We use the formGroup directive to demark our reactive form to the <class> tag. We demark the onSelect() method to the ngSubmit outcome of the course and the onFileSelect() method to the change event of the file input field.

If the response is successful, nosotros display the uploaded image with an <img> tag. If there is an error, nosotros simply display the bulletin.

This is a screenshot of the interface subsequently successfully upload the image file to the PHP server:

PHP with Angular 7 Image File Upload Example


In this tutorial, we started past implementing file uploading in PHP by creating a uncomplicated script that exposes an /upload.php endpoint which accepts POST requests with file data and nosotros enabled CORS to allow requests from different domains.

In the second part, we take seen how to create an Athwart 7 frontend which provides a form to upload epitome files to our PHP server.

We used FormData and HttpClient to send the form data to the server and we used the reactive course arroyo to create a unproblematic course and bind it to the HTML <course> tag.


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